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lit terms
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185 lines
"You will be presented with the definition of a literary term. You"
"must pick the correct term. If you are using Socratic Quiz, remember that"
"the first letter of each term is capitalized."
"Poetry that uses the appearance of the verse lines on the page to suggest or imi"
"tate the poem's subject"
" "
"Poetry that makes frank, explicit use of incidents in the poet's life"
" "
" "
"The repetition of similar non-vowel sounds in a group of words"
" "
" "
"A narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose re"
"plies are not given in the poem"
" "
"Dramatic Monologue"
"A narrative poem in which one or more characters speak"
" "
" "
"A poem of mourning, usually over the death of an individual"
" "
" "
"A line of verse with a pause at the end, often signaled by a comma, dash, or per"
" "
"End-stopped Line"
"A quotation or motto at the beginning of a chapter, book, short story, or poem t"
"hat makes some point about the work"
" "
"A word or expression that is not meant to be interpreted in a literal sense"
" "
" "
"Figure of Speech"
"Writing that is not meant to be interpreted in a literal sense"
" "
" "
"Figurative Language"
"A scene in a novel, short story, etc., that interrupts the action to show an eve"
"nt that happened earlier"
" "
"A character who sets off another character by contrast"
" "
" "
"The use of hints or clues in a narrative to suggest what action is to come"
" "
" "
"The structure and organization of a literary work, as distinct from its content,"
" which is what the work is about"
" "
"A Japanese verse form consisting of three lines and seventeen syllables"
" "
" "
"A flowering of black writing, art, and music in the 1920's"
" "
" "
"Harlem Renaissance"
"A figure of speech using exaggeration, or overstatement, for special effect"
" "
" "
"A movement in American and English poetry begun in 1912 by the American poet Ezr"
"a Pound"
" "
"The joining of opposites to create an unexpected situation"
" "
" "
"Writing in which a writer or speaker says one thing and means something entirely"
" different"
" "
"Verbal Irony"
"Writing in which a reader or an audience perceives something that a character in"
" the story or play does not know"
" "
"Dramatic Irony"
"Writing in which a discrepancy is shown between the expected result of some acti"
"on or situation and its actual result"
" "
"Irony of Situation"
"A comparison that has become so commonplace that it seems literal rather than fi"
" "
"Dead Metaphor"
"The use of two or more inconsistent comparisons in one expression"
" "
" "
"Mixed Metaphor"
"A figure of speech in which something very closely associated with a thing is us"
"ed to stand for or suggest the thing itself"
" "
"A story, often about immortals, and sometimes connected with religious rituals, "
"that attempts to give meaning to the mysteries of the world"
" "
"A body of related writings that tells a people where it came from, who its gods "
"are, what its most sacred rituals are, and what its destiny is"
" "
"A figure of speech that combines opposite or contradictory ideas or terms as in "
"'sweet sorrow','wise fool','living death',etc."
" "
"The humorous imitation of a work of literature, art, or music "
" "
" "
"The central character of a drama, novel, short story, or narrative poem"
" "
" "
"A pattern which grows naturally out of the thoughts and feelings expressed in so"
"me free verse"
" "
"Organic Rhythm"
"A line of poetry that has no pause at its end"
" "
" "
"Run-on Line"
"Originally a Scandinavian or Icelandic prose narrative of the Middle Ages about "
"the life and exploits of a great king or warrior"
" "
"Writing that holds up to ridicule or contempt the weaknesses and wrongdoings of "
"individuals, groups, etc."
" "
"A figure of speech in which part of a thing is used to stand for or suggest the "
" "